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Showing posts from 2019

Growing In Grace through Faith

A friend that sticks closer than a brother Am so glad we could talk today, I want to share with you a heart liberating story One morning I woke up, so frustrated, filled with a lot of guilt, regrets and wishful thinking, not knowing what else to do because it had seemed like my life had come to a standstill like most people may feel today considering all that is happening around the world, the economy, the stress, the lack, the suffering, and all that is wrong about this world, I felt like I was stuck in a tight corner, struggling to be free, wishing to move on but lacking the energy to do so, I was raised in a Christian home so naturally, when things are like this, I to turn to God for help, but I felt my lifestyle was not really really pleasing God enough for him to help me, because, I had made a lot of mistakes amongst other things, I could not pray long hours every day like most people, even when I tried, I still felt it wasn’t enough that something was still missing, all the...

First thing's First

The Story About God's love to Man It's all about Jesus In the old world, God created the first man and called him, Adam. God created man in His very image to be like Him, walk like Him, and live like Him. He loved man so much above all His creation, and created a woman for the man, to give the man comfort and other excitements he could get and also for companionship. God gave man everything he needed for a beautiful life in the garden of Eden. The garden of Eden was God's garden so God had his own Preferences and taste, there was a tree in the middle of the garden which was God's.  God instructed Adam in love, saying he could eat of every other tree in the garden but shouldn't eat of one of the trees which was in the middle of the garden. Later we came to understand that the tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God never intended for man to know Good and Evil because this would make him try to earn God's love and acceptance and would eve...