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First thing's First

The Story About God's love to Man

It's all about Jesus

In the old world, God created the first man and called him, Adam. God created man in His very image to be like Him, walk like Him, and live like Him. He loved man so much above all His creation, and created a woman for the man, to give the man comfort and other excitements he could get and also for companionship.

God gave man everything he needed for a beautiful life in the garden of Eden. The garden of Eden was God's garden so God had his own Preferences and taste, there was a tree in the middle of the garden which was God's. 

God instructed Adam in love, saying he could eat of every other tree in the garden but shouldn't eat of one of the trees which was in the middle of the garden.

Later we came to understand that the tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

God never intended for man to know Good and Evil because this would make him try to earn God's love and acceptance and would eventually lead to his failure in the long run.

God told Adam that the day he would eat the fruit of the tree, he would die. However, Adam did eat of the fruit of the tree, and when He did, he realized that he was naked. 

When God came back in the cool of the evening to be with His friend Adam, Adam hid, because all of a sudden he realized he was naked and was scared that God would reject him for being naked.

All along Adam was naked but never sought out to clothe himself because he knew only one thing, that God loved him unconditionally, However, with the knowledge of Good and Evil, he became conscious of himself and tried to make himself acceptable before God. 

That is a brief story of how Sin came into the world.

Romans 5:12-14 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. KJV 

The more man tried to be good to qualify for God's love and attention including His blessings, the more he failed and the more his heart became darkened

The good news is here: God came down in form of man to bring man back to himself to remove the emphasis of man depending on himself to be good and putting back the emphasis on how good God is. 

This blog is all about How Jesus, who is God in human form came to fulfill all the just requirements of the law so that by believing in what He did, you are made righteous and your relationship with God restored forever.

Jesus came with the gift of no condemnation: Where ever you are, whoever you are, you might be an addict, you might be poor, you might be struggling with rejection, you might be lost, you might be lonely, you might be struggling with sin, 

Jesus is saying to you this day, this hour, this minute, "I do not condemn you, I love you just the way you are, and I want us to be best of friends".

you might try to hide your real identity with your friends, living fake lives, and lying about who you truly are, Jesus is someone you can be totally real with, He knows you more than anyone knows you, and He still loves you and will not push you away in disgust.

I pray God uses me to unveil his perfect love for you, because only When you receive abundance of His grace and His gift of righteousness, only then will you reign over all you're going through. 

Jesus' hands are wide open to embrace you, love, and clothe you with His coat of righteousness, to receive this free gift all you have to do is say this short prayer

Dear Jesus, I thank you for accepting me the way i am, thank you for loving me and clothing me with your righteousness i confess you as lord over all aspects of my life. Take Charge. Amen

Friend if you have prayed that prayer you are now a believer, you are now born again. Congratulations!!!

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Please note that there is no obligation to contribute if the Lord does not call you to do so, for it is in my heart to see you continue to receive freely the gospel of grace.


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  1. wow!!! i have never heard the gospel this way before..
    it's truly new and refreshing

  2. Thank you so much for this sir

    1. You're always welcome... dont forget to share God's goodness with your friends and love ones. God bless you


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