Who Is The Enemy?
I just
heard someone shout, ‘’The Devil”
else is whispering, “My mother-in-law"
Well, you are not totally wrong;
today I want to show you an enemy that is seldom mentioned; Condemnation.
what do you mean by condemnation?
In simple terms, it means the act of making someone feel guilty/remorse—
What? Now
how is that an enemy?
Calm down;
take a deep breath; let me explain, I promise you it will be worth it.
First off,
am not saying that feeling remorse or guilty is wrong, but the
enemy uses it to steal, kill and destroy Lives, just like
in this passage of scripture:
“When Judas,
His betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was gripped with remorse
and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders,
saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They replied, “What is
that to us? See to that yourself!” And throwing the pieces of silver into the
temple sanctuary, he left; and went away and hanged himself.”
Matthew 27:3-5 AMP (boldface mine)
Judas felt remorse
(guilty) for his sin and rightly so, but what happened next? Did He change
and become a better person?
No! A
thousand times No! Instead, He did the ultimate act of self-righteousness and hung himself.
Many times when
we sincerely want to make someone change their ways and become a better person,
we believe we have to make them feel that what they are doing or what they did
is wrong, we go on to expound just how wrong it is, in the hope that they would
change and never do it again.
Yes of
course! And what’s wrong with that?
Nothing is
wrong but you see, in most cases, they don’t really change, they just modify
their behaviors or hide them and when no one is looking they do it!
What? Are
you serious?
Yeah most of
them do; But hold on, don’t go off yet… the issue is that we feel that God
is like that too.
So when we
do wrong, we try to feel bad hoping that when we do, God who sees our heart
will forgive us because we are feeling remorse and then give us another chance!
Yes very
true, you’re right!
Firstly, I just want to point this out to you
since we are on the subject; The Lord does not forgive us because we feel remorse/guilty
but because Jesus died for our sins. God forgives us whether we
feel remorse or not!
I know that
might sound like heresy! But don’t go off yet. Instead of condemning yourself
for your wrongdoings and feeling remorse and guilt I just want to tell you
The Lord
has a better way:
Now you
might be in an addiction, made a mistake, or see yourself making the same
mistakes on repeat and you might have heard people tell you, “the first time
is a mistake but the second time is a choice….”
They go on
to tell you “…hope you have learnt from your mistake" some might
tell you “…don’t you know just how dangerous what you’re doing is?”
Hoping you
would feel remorse and guilty and then stop doing it.
But the
truth is you have felt remorse, you have felt guilty and you just can’t stop
doing it.
You have
made resolutions, new resolutions, stronger resolutions, but still no change.
Some have
even said, “it is because you lack discipline and a firm resolve”
But you know
just how much you have tried but just couldn’t.
Now you feel
like a total loser, a failure, a reject and you feel God is mad at you, so now
you might as well just give in and let it become a lifestyle. After all, you’re
not the only one doing it.
I don’t
think you are reading this article by chance, I know the Lord has led you here
to tell you that;
firstly, He
is not mad at you and He still loves you.
Secondly, There
is hope for you
Contrary to
what the world wants you to do which is to feel guilty and remorse to effect
Well, the
most important thing is this, Does the Lord really want you to feel remorse?
Now, don’t
misunderstand me, am not saying remorse and feeling guilty are wrong, but am
saying, feeling remorse and guilty will not cause you to change and become a
better person.
It’s okay to
feel bad when you do wrong but thinking that feeling bad would make you change
or cause you to stop doing that thing which is bad is a lie and a misconception
Let’s forget
for a moment about what our mom wants or dad wants, or even what our pastors
want, lets ask the Lord Himself;
Lord Do
you want remorse from me before you forgive me and bless me and bring change in
my life or free me from this addiction?
Or better still let’s ask, Lord what do you want?
Wow… well, how do you answer that?
Not me, Let
the Lord answer it: as we look at this story in the Bible about a woman whom
the Lord ministered to just after her conviction of sin:
(Note: the backdrops are not in the
Bible but I put them to enhance your imagination)
This is the
story of a lady of noble prestige, and unquestionable character, who is known to be
holy and is believed to walk in God’s ways, right from her childhood she has
been taught the Torah (five books of Moses) including the Prophets and the Psalms,
she goes to the temple every Sabbath with her family and friends.
One day, at about noon time, she left her home in secret to meet her lover – they met in a
rented hut where they would be free to have fun and be alone and also free from
prying eyes.
She knew it
was wrong to see this man, because each time they meet, they would end up in
bed; which is against her tradition and beliefs as a Jew because they weren’t
married yet.
However, knowing
the consequences of this sin, she would still go on to meet him because she
feels loved by him; not excluding the beautiful promises this man has made to
her – To always defend her, to never leave her, to give her a home one day, to
marry her one day, to buy her good clothes and ultimately give her a bright and
beautiful future.
to her that he is a married man who has left his once upon-a-time beloved wife
in search of wild pleasures.
Filling her
eyes and ears with all manner of flattery and sugar-coated, honey drop, heart-melting, and cloth removing words…
The door to
their room is forced open, and a group of law keepers (Pharisees and Sadducees)
barged in, dragging her out of her lover’s embrace naked, she struggles to grab
a loin cloth in the midst of punches and slaps coming from her captors.
In the
commotion and noise, she realizes she is alone “where did her lover goto?”, She
thought. “I thought he said we were in this together? Where is he now, when I
need him the most?”
Pushed to
the ground to eat dirt, her lover was nowhere to be found – she remembers “I
will always love you”, “I will never abandon you”, and “even if the whole world is
against you I will stand by you", “I will catch a grenade for you" “allow
me to take your pains and beatings" all phrases her lover use to say …
Now the pain
she feels becomes more and more potent, the pain of abandonment and betrayal hurts
more than the slaps and punches and threats of being stoned to death.
She said to
herself “when it mattered most, he fled and he never told me he was married,
how could he lie to me?”
She had a
feeling this day would come but her faith was in her lover, that even if it
comes, they would face it together…
Woh!!! I know that’s just silly right now. How could a girl be that stupid?
And how
could a guy be that wicked?!
Well… I
don’t know, but let’s finish the story!
Slapped hard
on the face, spat on by the now crowd who are bent on making sure she gets what
she deserves.
The Law
keepers are deliberating whether to stone her to death in front of her parents
as a lesson to her siblings and neighbors and as to show what a failure of a
daughter they had raised. Or better still to stone her in the temple to serve
as a lesson to all worshippers – that anyone who breaks the law will be met
with the just punishment he deserves as it is written in the Law of Moses. And
also since Jesus is there, to see what He would do since He preaches grace but
says He has not come to destroy the Law.
Dragging and
pushing her to the temple, now she’s all bathed in mud and her beautiful yet delicate
skin scarred from the condemning punches and pushes of the crowd;
“who would love
me now, am all bruised and scarred, my parents are all ashamed of me, my
friends are even amongst the crowd pushing me and watching me eat dirt; ready
to stone me to death” these thoughts besieged her mind.
Then, an
impossible silence ensued, she wondered why everyone stopped shouting, then she
thought maybe they were observing a moment of silence before beginning the
stoning which would lead to her death.
Whilst pondering,
then an elder from the law keepers spoke up and said,
“Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery,
in the very act. Now Moses, in the Law commanded us that such should be stoned.
But what do you say?”
The woman's
heart pounding hard, filled with fear, void of all hope, “This is the end of
me, I never knew love could be like this, I tried to stop seeing that man but I
really could not, the more I tried, the more I failed” she would have said in
her heart!
Now she was
all ready to hear Him say “stone her" However this Man they called Teacher
said nothing, instead He stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger.
Now, this
action of His, she did not understand, her heart filled with fear of death, her
dreams were all going to end.
The question
was now echoed again as to expect the final word that would usher in the stones
to kill her.
Then the
teacher raised Himself and said to them,
“ He who is
without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first"
Then He
stooped down again and started writing on the ground.
Her heart
leaped immediately, raising her hands to shield her face, expecting a rain of stones;
Thud! Thud! Thud!
The stones dropped
to the ground. One by one they all left, from the eldest to the youngest.
Now she was
left alone with Jesus (the teacher) whom she had just met.
She was
puzzled, wondering what He would do or probably say to her, perhaps scold her,
teach her the laws again and tell her never to make such a mistake again.
Now Jesus
raised His head staring deep into her fear-filled eyes besieged with tears, but
she noticed His eyes were not the condemning eyes she had once seen in
the face of her persecutors, it was eyes filled with love.
And He said
to her,
“Where are
your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
She said
“No, Lord"
And Jesus
said, “Neither do I”
That’s not the end! I know this story too, Jesus said, “go and sin no
Yes you’re
right I just wanted to see if you’re following:
But you see the
power to go and sin no more is wrapped up in the gift of no condemnation
How? What
do you mean?
Jesus made
the girl feel loved, forgiven, and accepted regardless of what she had done and
didn’t even bring up her sin, by asking questions like “why did you do it?”
“don’t you know it is wrong? “ he didn’t ask all that so she wouldn’t feel the
guilt of it.
you’re right… go on…!
You see in
the world today when you fail, most people would condemn you, punish you and
then tell you if you do not want to be condemned and punished anymore then you
shouldn’t do it again.
Yeah true!
But Jesus (God)
is not like that, He wants you to know that whatever wrong you have done, or
you’re doing, whatever addiction besets you, you can always come to Him, He is
not angry at you and He will not condemn you, or punish you, He will only
love you and love you and love you and love you even more.
His Love for
you is not dependent on your performance or behavior, He loves you unconditionally.
And it is His love for you that will lead you to repentance and wholeness.
We see in
the story; Jesus chases away the condemners (who were all guilty of one sin or
the other) and instead of condemning her or explaining the consequences of sin
to her, He makes her feel loved and accepted, and secure in His presence.
Now because He
does not condemn her, she feels truly loved and forgiven. Then He goes on
to say “go and sin no more" what He means is this; Because I do not
condemn you, you can go and you will sin no more.
Or better still, because you do not feel
condemned by Me, you can go and you will sin no more.
But why?
Give me a
chance to explain don’t go off yet.
Through research, a renowned psychiatrist said that the more you feel guilty about something you
have done, it increases the possibility for you to do it again. They do not
know why it is like that.
So we see in
this woman’s case, that Jesus broke the circle of sin by giving her the gift of
no condemnation. Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever.
For you He says;
“There is
Now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
There is no
condemnation when? When you repent? Or when you feel
No, a
thousand times No! It says “now” even as you’re reading this or even at
the very start of the addiction, at the middle, or even at the end. My English
is not very good, but I know, that NOW means present tense. Every day there
is no condemnation for you my friend.
God is not
condemning you, He is not angry with you and He is not out to punish you. You
might be feeling down from a divorce, a broken relationship, failed business,
addiction, stress, and lack of fellowship with God.
Whatever it
is right now I want you to know and believe this, the Lord loves you and
He is not out to condemn and punish you, He is out to
bless you, restore you and uplift you so stop punishing yourself, stop
condemning yourself.
You might
have been guilty, it might have been your fault, but listen it’s okay to feel
bad, but don’t stay feeling bad and start condemning yourself, and start
hurting yourself, the Lord knows everything that has happened, and even the
ones that will happen in the future and He wants you to know, that He
will never condemn you or punish you.
He only has
love and favour and blessings for you. He will always pick you up and clean you
up and set you high above those failures and all your naysayers. Be encouraged and
believe in His unconditional love for you. You’re loved my friend, just the way
you are. even in your addiction, even in your filth and mistakes, He still
loves you and will never stop loving you.
The Holy Scripture
declares it this way;
“For I am
convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death,
nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening,
nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created
thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is
in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39 AMP
Not even
your mother-in-law can separate you from His love.
You might
be wondering, why is this important, why is believing in His love for me
important? How is that going to set me free or give me Victory over my
Am glad you
asked that; Now it says in a preceding verse:
“Yet in all
these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
Romans 8:37
How do we win? How do we conquer?
How do we win over bad habits and negative emotions? How do we
succeed in Life? Is it by trying hard and hard and hard? No my friend, The
Lord’s way is simple and easy, it is through His love for us.
That’s how
we win, by believing each time and every time that bad thought comes, that we
are still loved by Him, by believing that even in our failures and mistakes,
we are still loved and cared for by the God who spoke worlds into existence,
the greatest force in the universe, our Father.
But what
about confessing our sins?
Right now am
going to say a bit about it but maybe some other time we’ll talk about it in
full. But I want you to get this:
Firstly, I
believe in the confession of sins, but we don’t confess our sins to Him so He
will forgive us but we confess our sins because we are already forgiven.
My friend,
the thing is, the Lord had already forgiven you before you even did it. He
is not surprised by you, He is not surprised by the choices you have
made or will ever make.
Jesus has
been condemned for all your poor choices, and Jesus has been punished for all
your failures. Today there is NOW no more punishment left for you because
Jesus had taken it all.
I say this
reverently; if God were to punish you for those sins and failures, He would
have to first remove the cross of Jesus, because dear friend, at the cross, all
your sins, failures, and mistakes (past present, and future) have been punished
on the body of our savior and lover; Jesus Christ.
expect only blessings and favour for all the days of your life.
But won’t
this message make people do whatsoever they like? Because God isn’t going to
punish them anymore?
I am not writing
to people randomly, am writing to believers and those who will believe through this
Permit me to
answer briefly so as not to waste much time, but in subsequent articles, I will
explain in full.
Paul the Apostle
of Grace wrote:
“For sin
will no longer be a master over you, since you are not under Law [as slaves],
but under [unmerited] grace [as recipients of God’s favor and mercy].”
Romans 6:14
The reason
why sin (in all its diversities) has dominion over a person is this: that
person is conscious of the law and all its demands.
Does it
mean the law is bad?
No, the Law
is good but it cannot make you good. It was designed to bring out the sin in a
person not actually to make a person good. So the more law conscious you are,
the more sin will manifest in your life.
misunderstand me, am not the one saying this, it is actually what the scripture
elucidates by saying;
“The sting
of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.”
Corinthians 15:56 NKJV
However, if
you’re under grace (The Lord’s unmerited favour and love) that is, you’re
conscious of the Lord’s love for you and his favour towards you.
The scripture says sin shall not have dominion over you because you’re
not under law but under grace.
Choose to
believe in, and be conscious of the Lord’s unending love for you, and experience
victory every day.
talk soon again… I’ve got more to share.
Thank you
for reading to the end. I believe you’ve been blessed.
Perhaps you have not made Jesus the Lord over your Life, I would like to invite you to pray this simple prayer:
Dear Jesus, I thank you for accepting me the way I am, thank you for loving me and clothing me with your righteousness I confess you as Lord over all aspects of my life. Take Charge. Amen
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Please note that there is no obligation to contribute if the Lord does not call you to do so, for it is in my heart to see you continue to receive freely the gospel of grace.
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hear this…
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Inspired write up
ReplyDeleteAmen! The root cause of all problems is condemnation. But, thank God that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThe Love of God is the greatest.( Love never Fails)
ReplyDeleteThe love of God has redeemed us from the bondage of sin and has set us free from the law of Sin and death !
2 Cor 5 : 21 makes it more clearer
"For he hath made him to be Sin for us ,who knew no sin.that we might be made the righteousness of God
Glory to God !!!
What a nice Article, keep up the good work ,keep on impacting lives .
Keep on keeping on !!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this. Many more people red to read this. Thank you
ReplyDeleteGod bless you soooooo much for this…..I AM LOVED….THIS IS MY REALITY
ReplyDeleteThis has the same effect as taking cool water on a hot day when you might be dry and thirsty…THANK YOU so much for this 🥺