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Showing posts from September, 2022

Faith for Miracles

  If only I had faith! If only I had enough faith! If only my faith was strong and not wavering! Then maybe, I would have been healed by now! Then maybe, I would have a better job! Then maybe I think God would answer my prayers! Then maybe, things would have changed for the better for me and my family! Do these thought lines seem similar? Sometimes you might have these thoughts and more, running wild in your mind; with the increase of preachers making even more emphasis on the importance of faith. Perhaps you are struggling, trying to make ends meet, maybe you have a health challenge or a need in any area and you’ve prayed and even fasted but no change has occurred, and you’re wondering what could be the problem. Maybe it’s a lack of faith or inadequate faith! Maybe you’ve not prayed enough or fasted enough! Maybe because of one sin or the other! Let’s take a break from thinking for a while and let’s talk.   It is my prayer for you that before the e...

The Enemy

  Who Is The Enemy? I just heard someone shout, ‘’The Devil” Someone else is whispering, “My mother-in-law"   Well, you are not totally wrong; However, today I want to show you an enemy that is seldom mentioned; Condemnation. Hmmm... what do you mean by condemnation ?   In simple terms, it means the act of making someone feel guilty/remorse — What? Now how is that an enemy? Calm down; take a deep breath; let me explain, I promise you it will be worth it. First off, am not saying that feeling remorse or guilty is wrong, but the enemy uses it to steal , kill and destroy Lives, just like in this passage of scripture: “When Judas, His betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was gripped with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They replied, “What is that to us? See to that yourself!” And throwing the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary, h...

How to Walk Faithfully with God

WALKING WITH GOD Your walk with God won’t be perfect and doesn’t have to be perfect. Some days you will pray for two hours, some days you will pray for 5 minutes. While some days you will not pray at all consciously. The same goes for reading the word and whatnot. However, the beauty of it all is this: The Lord will always Love you and never find fault with you. When you ask Him for provisions and supplies, He will not relent to give because you didn’t pray enough or spend more time on your knees. “… if any of you lacks… let him ask of God who gives liberally and without reproach …” The Word “reproach” in the original Greek means “without fault finding “ The NIV translation puts it this way “ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” What you could be lacking today might not be “wisdom" might be finances, a good job, family blessings, good health, might be anything; be sure to ask God because ...