It was Jason Soroski who said, "There is nothing magical about the flip of the calendar, but it represents a clean break, a new hope, and a blank canvas."
I agree about the not-so-magical part, however, what causes new hope and change is not the change in the calendar but a change in your mind.
Paul the Apostle admonished believers to be transformed by the
renewing of the mind (Rom 12:2). True change happens when your
mind is fed with new information. You can have a new beginning any
time of the year.
New Year Resolutions – My Story
I was in church on the last day of the year. We were asked to write resolutions; the idea was to be remorseful and have a change of heart then pen down new behaviours for the new year. Get rid of the bad behaviours and write the things we were expecting to achieve in the new year.
All these are good and healthy practices, however, writing down new behaviours doesn't give you the power to do it, as I have learned over the years and also as you learned. The Lord has given us a sure way to live a godly life and it is by walking in the Spirit.
“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16 NKJV
Notice it does not say, "Try your best NOT to fulfill the lust of the flesh and you shall work in the Spirit" as many have believed. It says clearly,
Walk in the Spirit…
Notice there is no time frame as to how long you are to walk in the Spirit.
But the result is clear;
...and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Addictions, wrong choices, and bad behaviours can go permanently if you walk in the Spirit.
Jackie Pullinger explained with many testimonies in her book "Chasing The Dragon" how many young people who were addicted to heroin in Hong Kong were free without the pain of withdrawal when they prayed in the spirit.
Praying in the Spirit is not limited to your Pastor but to as many who have accepted Jesus as Lord.
Morgrace are you saying if I pray/walk in the spirit my life will change?
Dear Friend, I did not say so, please stop putting words into my mouth; besides am not that smart to suggest that!
It is what the scriptures say not me!
Praying in the Spirit can cause a change to happen that reading a million books will not!
When should you Pray in the Spirit?
Pray in the shower, pray in the kitchen, pray on your way to work, pray in your car. The scriptures say,
“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.."Ephesians 6:18 (Boldface mine)
As much as it is not. However, some people can take a simple message as an excuse to practice religion; therefore putting themselves in more bondage condemnation. All the same, this simple truth can change everything for you this year.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is you talking with God. The posture is this: you are saying, “I CANNOT LORD, ONLY YOU CAN” That is Prayer!
Proud people do not pray, because prayer is humbling instead they trust in their self and will power, prayer is admitting you need help.
What is Praying in the Spirit?
Praying in the spirit is praying in tongues. That is spirit-inspired utterances.
In Conclusion: To walk in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit. To keep walking in the Spirit, keep praying in the Spirit.
Lovers whisper they don’t shout...
You don’t have to shout to pray in the Spirit, you can pray under your breath! You're praying to the Lord, other people don't have to hear it.
“Let go of what was and embrace what to be."
Last Year is gone! Dwelling there won’t make it any better or take you magically back in time!
You can anchor your hope in the following words,
”... Behold, I will do a new thing...”
Short Quiz!
Are you the one to do a new thing?
Who will do a new thing?
The Lord.
What is your part to play?
To know your part let’s see the verse in full ...
[18] “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. [19] Behold, I will do a new thing...
Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV (boldface mine)
This is your part, “Do not remember the former things.”
Don’t be stuck in what was and fail to see (behold) the new thing the Lord is doing.
The Lord will bring new connections to you this year, He will bring new friends, He will raise dead hopes, and you can look forward to a year where the Lord will do all the work. Let go of the past and enjoy the year.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
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I read all through and i feel so blessed. This article put in me much leading to pray in the spirit. I look up to the article coming